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a. 字典必不可少,Now the use of German is basically not allowed in the exam,这个非常无奈,所以只能用字典了,I suggest taking a yellow Lang's or a green German-Chinese dictionary,Plus a small Dehan Hande (FLTRP yellow leather is better),As for the German king, let's have each one,Of course, you can always buy a spare,Is it useful to do homework in class。

b. 专业字典,可有可无,要是你行李没超重就带吧,我本人是没有带啦,因为德语王里有各专业词典,呵呵。

c. 至于关于英语类的字典看个人喜好了,并且德语王有这功能,但是在第二个学年是要学英语的,可以明年再带过来。In fact, it is OK to speak German here, of course, do not exclude some of you have a special love of English, and there is nothing bad about speaking English with Germans, but remind me that English is also a foreign language for Germans, not every German speaks English very fluently。

d. 德语语法书,这个不作特别要求,觉得自己语法毛病多的,带着只有好处,关键是要看或者你想专研日耳曼语言学的话,带一本慢慢琢磨吧,我也曾在图书馆里借到过很好的原版语法书,所以一切看自己需要。

e. 关于专业书籍,我本人是营销专业的,化工,机电什么的还是问问你们各专业的学长学姐吧。

Marketing professional attention, first of all, Professor Horst sent some German handouts in the country must be brought, will be used, it is best to bring a printed copy, electronic copy brought or printed out, the price is more expensive than domestic, why。

Secondly, if you have not passed the professional exam, you must bring samples, review notes and so on, if you want to suffer then don't bring it。

What's more, it's best to bring probability books and notes, which are required subjects in the second semester。

Then, books on marketing, Western economics, etc., can bring a look at some of the professional concepts that can help understand the relevant terms of the economic class。

f. 其他的一些字典书籍什么的,比如汉德大字典啊,投资学那本超大的…..就没必要带来了。Of course, if you want to take it, you can mail it, it is more convenient, this is to ask the teacher Zhang Yujuan。

g. 另外可以在电脑里下载点专业书籍,可以作为平时参考资料。


a.Stationery is sure to take more, and does not consume much weight and space, after all, in Germany to buy stationery is very luxurious。I think in China with 5 water pens and 20 black water refill, 5 red water refill, is enough for you to use。If you like to use a ball point pen。In addition to here will use colored pens to make a variety of marks, if you want to bring it in the country, in fact, you can also buy here, the price is not very expensive。

b.As for the pen, I think I'll pass because it feels weird to write in German。The ink here is a small tube sealed, if you use it directly into the pen, you can throw it away, of course, there is also bottled ink, about 3 euros a bottle。

c.自动铅笔备2支,防止坏掉,自动铅芯也备几盒吧,Just buy a bigger eraser,Prepare a good ruler (mechanical and electrical professional with the best professional mapping ruler),These things are sometimes used in drawing,Of course, except for those who like to draw pictures with water, they can not bring these,呵呵。

d.Notebook is not necessary to bring, save these weight with some books better, here the book is not very expensive, and convenient binding, do not need you to punch extra holes, and when the time can also buy a box of A4 paper back to slowly use, both as printing paper can also make note paper, quite affordable。

e.There's no need to bring clear tape. You can get it here and it's pretty cheap。Correction liquid, correction belt here are sold, the price is high and low, if you want to buy in the country, with a few bags can also, anyway, not very heavy。

f.Scissors, knife, glue, you can bring one each, you can buy it here, but I haven't seen double-sided tape, so bring whatever you want。Small metal clips, paper clips are sold here, but small clips are relatively rare, it is recommended to buy a few, a lot of paper clips, you look at it。

g.Folder, there are many kinds, but also not expensive, you can not bring。The punch machine is also sold here, and it is not very expensive, everyone depends on the situation

h.In addition, the German king's battery is best to bring 2 to 4 pairs of rechargeable batteries, which are very expensive。


Let's talk about the climate here in Meserburg first, the climate in Mitte should be similar, after all, it's not very far away。It is quite cold here in winter, there will be several snow, but it is dry and cold, not the feeling of wet and cold in Jiangsu。Summer is also very hot, basically in more than 20 degrees, there is no 30 degrees have not been studied, in addition to the summer climate is unstable, sometimes will hit some hail down, but also often rain, it is difficult to say。Spring and autumn morning and evening a little cool, the noon period of the temperature is good, very comfortable。


Spring and Autumn: It is a little cold in the morning and evening, you should wear a coat, and then wear a long sleeve or short sleeve inside, it is OK to take off the coat when it is hot, so bring a few pullover hoodies or spring and autumn shirts。In addition, like outdoor sports can bring a windproof, waterproof coat, here similar professional clothes are a little expensive。And if you like to wear shirts, you can bring some。

Summer: T-shirts, polos, short-sleeved shirts, etc。This kind of clothes can be worn all year round, the most useful, but do not bring too much, because the price of buying this kind of clothes here is actually similar to the domestic, or even cheaper。

Winter: Each dormitory has heating, you turn the heating on to 4~5 (5 maximum) can wear short sleeves indoors, the classroom is the same, so it is enough to wear summer clothes indoors, and go out with a down jacket。If you are afraid of the cold, you can also bring gloves, hats, scarves。In addition, you can bring 2 sets of cotton-wool pants (after all, there will be a lot of snow, and wind, hot spots do not matter), a change of wash, especially afraid of cold and then bring some thin line pants。After all, it is still a long way from the dormitory to the classroom。Similarly, those who are afraid of the cold can also bring a hat and gloves。

Keywords: Spring and autumn shirts, hoodies, shirts, sweaters, T-shirts, polo shirts, short-sleeved shirts, a chunky down jacket, a general cotton-padded jacket, hats, scarves, gloves, cotton sweaters and pants, thin line pants


随便吧,带几条自己喜欢的,Bring a thick pair of jeans to wear in winter (so you don't have to wear cotton pants),You can also buy medium shorts here,After all, you're here for the fall,暂时穿不到,而且之后有圣诞节打折,元旦打折之类的,到时后可以买反季服装,很便宜。女生的裙子一个道理吧。


Boys have enough underwear and socks, thick socks and thin socks are best, and bring two home T-shirts or vests,.Girls, too, should bring a set of pajamas to wear in the dormitory, because they may live in the same suite as German boys (but it is still a single single room, which belongs to a hall with many rooms).。As for the price of these things here and in China, sports socks are similar, underwear is a little expensive。


Take the sandals. They're very important. You need them in the shower。Don't bring the corresponding cotton mop, it's warm in the room。Usually wear shoes boys with 2 to 3 pairs is enough, not enough to buy here can also, in some hypermarkets, Adidas Nike and such often discount。When it comes to leather shoes, can not say the suit, remind me, the opening ceremony is best to wear formal clothes (at least to reflect our attention to this ceremony), and there are Chinese and German school leaders in the time, so it is still with it, and later you can find an internship to wear out。Girls can bring more shoes, small shoes are difficult to buy here, Western women shoe size is too large, but in some shoe stores can still find the corresponding size。Other shoes, such as hiking shoes, big-head boots and so on some heavy let it go。If you really want to wear it, wear it or mail it。


Last year, when we first came here, we issued a set of bedspreads, sheets, quilts, duvet covers, pillows, pillowcases (bedspreads, sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases are not very good quality, will fade, quilts are OK, pillows are goose feather very soft and prickly)。You can bring your own set to it (quilt does not need to bring, bring a memory pillow is good, but it is not expensive here, about 10 euros can be bought)。


When we first arrived last year, the school (along with the bedding) gave each of us a small frying pan, a large bowl, a glass water cup and a spoon。前期还是很有用的。In addition, bring the rice cooker, choose a small light, not too advanced, only two years。If you want to eat together, consider bringing a larger one。Serving dishes, bowls and chopsticks spoon with at least one set, kitchen knife with or without, there are also sold here, and the quality is very good, of course, the price will be high。There is no need to bring all kinds of POTS, after all, it is very heavy, and can only use a pan, so it is recommended to buy, here the supermarket is selling, there are good and bad, 5-30 euros, when the time comes to know。Knife cutting board also do not bring, there are also sold here, wood about 1~2 euros。In addition, knives, forks, cups can be bought here。Can opener, paring knife, wire drawing board here is much more expensive than at home, will often come in handy, pick a cheap and small, or bring a large Swiss Army knife, very practical。


1.Computers can be bought in Germany, equipped for low prices and no Green Dam。But afraid of trouble will take it directly in the country, by the way, with a computer cable, prepared。The mouse is best prepared 2, to prevent bad, here is not cheap。And a CD to reinstall the system, just in case。Do you have any other headphones, cameras, microphones, and computer bags that don't weigh much。In addition, if you want to use a radiator, you can bring it domestically, it is also expensive here。

2.Kettle is recommended not to bring, there are 7 euros a, can use good。

3.Hair dryer, depending on what you need, there are cheap supermarket here。

4.The recorder was useful for the first time, as well as for listening practice, but I only used it two or three times。

5.Electric razors. Guys bring them。

6.Chargers and rechargeable batteries are expensive here, buy them in China。

7.Switch plug to bring enough, you can also consider buying a European common kind of multifunctional switch plug (later out of Germany travel will use), drag line plate with a good point。

8.Mobile phone is whatever, you can bring or sign a mobile phone here, but most of the mobile phones here are used as alarms。


这里理发店最便宜的6.€5. If the hair is long and easy, you can look at it after you cut it, if it's too complicated, then。。。。。女生理发比较贵。So bring a set of hair cutting tools is a good choice: electric fader (recommended philip, 300 yuan or so), thin cut, flat cut。


It might be a little rough around the edges,出现腹泻,过敏等症状,So the common essential medicine should be brought,比如感冒药,退烧药,止泻药,创口贴,云南白药,风油精,红花油,眼药水,达克宁,消除过敏的药膏,胃药,晕车药等等,,各人视情况而定。In addition, you can enjoy free medical insurance here, but not just any disease, will be explained at the time。


1.Toothpaste, toothbrush can bring some, there are no more varieties of toothpaste in China, the price is a little more expensive。牙刷就普遍比国内贵了。

2.Shampoo, body wash, facial cleanser can come to buy, really want to bring it is recommended to bring the kind of small pot, big bottle do not bring, the price is not very expensive here, there are many varieties。

3.Bring some towels. They don't take up much space. Just stuff them in your bag。

4.Bring a set of nail clippers or something. It's expensive here。

5.Don't bring soap, laundry detergent and so on. Why don't you buy it。

6.Contact lens potion, there is no need to bring, can come to buy, the price is a little more expensive。

7.Hairspray, wax, I don't think so. They sell it here。

8.Bring some razors. It's a little expensive here。

9.Cosmetics can bring some commonly used, you can come to buy, there are many brands, Dior, Lancome in the mall are casually put there to sell。

10.Forget the perfume. It's cheap here. Come and buy it。


Speaking of this, my tears are a lot of ah, here to eat to eat so a few kinds of dishes, want to hometown dishes ah。

The varieties are similar to those in China, but some meat prices are much more expensive。

Pork, beef (quite expensive), chicken is the main。Lamb, rabbit. It's rare. It's expensive。鸭和鹅非常贵。There are also lots of sausages, which are generally cheap。In addition, there are a lot of processed meat sold, such as cooked pig feet, pig tongue, soy meat steak, etc., the price is moderate。Fish, shrimps are also sold, but they are generally Marine, freshwater classes are few。


Cabbage, cabbage, eggplant, radish (lots of carrots, few white radishes), celery (seasonal vegetable), lentils (seasonal vegetable), mushrooms, potatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, broccoli, Sauerkraut (not brave enough to try), onion, scallions, ginger, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers。

Fruit is still very rich, do not say ah, come to know。

There are also all kinds of meat, vegetables, fruit canned sale。

The main food is rice, noodles, potatoes。

Other things you can see in China can be bought in Asian supermarkets。Such as dark soy sauce, vinegar, noodles, Lao Gan ma, hot pot base, tofu (also sold in the supermarket here), green vegetables, bean sprouts and so on。But the price will be much higher than in China。

Finally, it is suggested that you bring some condiments, such as chicken essence, spices for cooking soup, thirteen incense, etc., as well as those domestic dry goods, such as shrimps, shiitake mushrooms, wood fungus, dried sausage (the kind eaten in the New Year), daylily, etc., you can also bring some tea。


1.香烟:抽烟的注意了,能带多少带多少吧,但是德国有入境规定的,应该是限每人一条吧,在这里烟算贵的,而且烟税很重的,You can't buy 20 packs of cigarettes (about 17 packs),3根是税),Smokers here generally roll their own cigarettes,很划算。

2.Nearsighted students wear 2-3 pairs of glasses。

3.Umbrella also remember to bring, although some here to sell, but add ultraviolet protection is very expensive。

4.Bring a little gift with Chinese characteristics and give it away。Mechanical and electrical, cyclization more, you will have a foreign partner to do the experiment, send a small gift can enhance feelings。


Finally done, I hope to help you, of course, a lot of things or to combine their own actual, we are just a generic version, time is rushed, inevitably there are errors, welcome to criticize and correct。Finally, I wish you all the best and I will see you in Germany!88